Lab crew

Iñigo Aguirre de Carcer was born in Bloomington (IN, USA), in 1976. He graduated in Chemistry (Organic) at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM), Spain in 2000. He continued his studies at the University of Washington (UW), obtaining a Ph.D. from the Department of Chemistry in 2008. After a short stage at the Nanoscience and Molecular Materials Lab back at UAM, he worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the School of Aeronautical Technical Engineering (EUTIA), Madrid Technical University (UPM). He was appointed Assistant Professor of Chemistry and Material Science at the Department of Aerospace Materials and Production (ETSIAE, UPM) in 2016 and later Associate Professor in 2022. His research interests lay at the use of organic and inorganic syntheses to probe structure function relationships in nano assemblies..

Sandra Jiménez Falcao obtained her degree in Chemistry in 2014 (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, UCM), her Master in Chemical Science and Technology (UCM) in 2015, and in 2021 she finished her PhD in Advanced Chemistry titled “Nanosensors and smart delivery systems based on porous materials” (UCM). Afterwards she worked in IMDEA Agua developing analytical methods for the determination of relevant environmental pollutants. In 2022 she obtained a Margarita Salas grant to do her postdoc at Universidad Rey Juan Carlos developing metallic complex based nanosystems for both environmental and biomedical purposes. She is currently working as a professor and researcher at the Materials and Aerospace Production Department in Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Sandra’s scientific activity is focused in the field of materials science, for the development of a variety of nanosystems based on inorganic supports (like mesoporous silica, titanium dioxide or metal nanoparticles), organic moieties, and biomolecules like enzymes or aptamers.  

Jorge Parra Nieto was born in Madrid (Spain) in 1996. He graduated in Chemistry and completed his Master in Science and Chemical Technology
at Universidad Complutense de Madrid working in the preparation and characterization of
nanomaterials and their use both as signaling elements in optical or electrochemical sensors,
and as smart delivery sistems.
Nowadays, he is Lab Chemistry Instructor and researcher at the Materials and Aerospace Production Department in Universidad Politécnica de Madridin being in the third year of his PhD thesis working in the development of stimuli-responsive nanoassemblies capable to trigger self-sustained immune responses in antitumoral therapy.

Mª Amor García del Cid started her chemical studies at the University of Castilla La Mancha (UCLM) after transferring to Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM) she obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Chemistry in 2008. After receiving a master’s Degree in polymer science in 2012 (UNED) she continued her graduate research studies at Madrid Technical University (UPM) in the synthesis and characterization of nanocomposites, graduating with a PhD in chemistry in 2017. She is currently a technical staff member at the Department of Materials and Aerospace Production (UPM). Her research interests are focused on the applications of polymeric materials in the field of nanomedicine.

Javier González Larre was born in Madrid in 1999. He obtained his bachelor’s degree in Biomedicine at Universidad Francisco de Vitoria in 2023. He worked in a Microbiology lab as a research assistant at Tufts University (Boston, US), where he researched the electron transport chain of anaerobic bacteria. He is currently studying for a Master’s degree in Biomaterials at Universidad Complutense de Madrid and joined the ONT group as a Master’s student, where he works on a project involving the synthesis of doubly functionalized liposomes for sequential targeting of tumor cells.

Alicia Arroyo Nogales was born in Madrid (2001). She carried out her undergraduate research in our lab developing protocells capable to deliver enzymatic tandems with antitumoral activity. Currently, she is studying a Master´s degree in Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Biomedicine at Universidad Complutense de Madrid and working as Research Assistant in ONT lab. Her research is focused on the development of double functionalized liposomes to act as bridge between tumoral and inmune cells. Thus, the administration of these nanosystems will enhance the capacity of inmune cells to recognize and destroy the tumoral cells in a controlled and selective manner.

Sara Irene de la Fuente was born in Santiago de Compostela (2001). She obtained her bachelor´s degree in Chemistry at Universidad de Santiago de Compostela (USC) in 2023. She participated in Erasmus+ program at Uniwersytet Warszawski (UW) during the academic year 2022/2023. Her Undergraduate research project was focused on mimetics of dinuclear zonc metalloenzymes in the SUPRABION research group. Currently, she is studying a Master´s degree in Biomaterials at Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM). She has joined to ONT group to develop activatable liposomal nanoassemblies in tumoral tissues capable to restore normoxia and to reduce the inmunosuppresive microenvironment within the tumoral mass.

Guillermo Plaza Palomo was born in Madrid (2002). He is currently finishing the last year of Biotechnology degree at Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM). His studies specialize in the application of biotechnological processes for the healthcare field, from pharmaceutical design to the development of bio and nanomaterials. He has joined to ONT working in his undergraduate research project which is focused on the development of highly penetrative drug-loaded liposomes capable to reach deep zones of the tumor, enhancing showing an enhanced therapeutic response in neuroblastoma therapy.

Ángel Vela Cruz is an Aeroespace Engineering student at the Polytechnic University of Madrid. He focuses the acquisition of knowledge in fields, such as organic chemistry, synthesis and characterization of nanomaterial and nanotechnology. His research project is focused on the development of a microfluidic-based platform to allows the easy-to-tune production of nanoassemblies with a controlled size distribution.