
The team is growing up!!! Welcome to Sara, Javier and Guillermo to the NanoTeam!

Sara and Javier have joined the group as Master students. They will develop nanosystems to enhance the recognition capacity of neuroblastoma cells by engineered CAR T at the same time that perform tumoral tissue priming to enhance their capacity to elicit the controlled and selective tumoral eradication. Guillermo, as Graduate student, is going to develop […]

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NanoBites project has received funding by the Spanish Goverment through Plan Nacional 2022!!!!

Our research project NanoBites has been funded by the Spanish Goverment through the prestigeous Plan Nacional 2022 program. We would like to express our gratitude to the Spanish National agency for their support. Our goal is to develop novel smart liposomes capable to perform sequential tasks once reach the tumoral mass: 1) To improve the […]

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Our graduate student Alicia Arroyo has gained a research grant to develop novel strategies to beat solid tumors. Congrats Alicia!

Alicia Arroyo, who carried out her graduate research project with us, has achieved a research grant to develop nanomaterials to enhance the recognition capacities of tumoral cells by inmune cells. This work will be carried out between our lab and the research facilities of Dr. Orellana research lab in Hospital Infantil Universitario Niño Jesús of […]

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New members of the group. Let´s do nanosicence!

Laura, Marta, Diana and Alicia has joined to the group as Master and Graduate students. Their work are focused in the combination of immunogenic cell death and tumoral microenvironment priming in neuroblastoma therapy. Stay tuned for upcoming news! Great things are going to happen in the project. Let´s do nanoscience!

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A new member of the group! Welcome Angel!

Ángel Vela Cruz is an Aerospace Engineering student at the Polytechnic University of Madrid. He focuses his interest in the acquisition of knowledge in fields, such as organic chemistry, organic and inorganic synthesis, characterization methods and nanostructures development.

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